Talking the price down

I am pretty fantastic in being slick when dealing with sales reps.

Well, this is because I used to be a single myself.

So I think how to go head to head with them plus make sense. I was able to recently talk down this heating plus a/c dealership into selling me a brand new, current plus pretty darn high-priced heating plus a/c plan for almost half off what they regularly charge for it. It took a lot of wheeling plus dealing. And then it took me a little bit of lying in a way to trick the heating plus a/c sales rep into believing that these brand new plus current central heating plus cooling units were cheaper elsewhere; Of course they did not want to lose a potential sale plus wanted to keep a reputation up, so this is where my slick system came into play. I tricked them real good! And I got away with this appealing brand new plus current central heating plus a/c plan device for almost half off the common price. I will never let any of my personal family plus friends think what I did plus how I did it, or they would look down upon me for being dishonest to get the discount. But after all, what do you recognize sales are? Most are always dishonest to some extent. It is all a con game, and even with central heating plus a/c plan units!

air conditioning maintenance