I’m anxious about our Dad moving in with us

My Dad is going to be moving in with us this Wintertide as well as I am a little bit anxious about it. All of us get along just great most of the time, however the thing that I’m anxious about is the fact that she is cold all the time. I think that she’s going to want to turn our control unit up all the time, as well as the people I was with and I just hate that. During the winter, the people I was with and I keep the control unit set at 74 degrees, which is exactly what the people I was with and I keep it set at while I was in the summer! All of us are just people who entirely appreciate to have consistent hot as well as cold temperatures in the loft all the time. All of us suppose appreciate it helps us to stay healthy while I was in the entire year. I have noticed that any time the temperature gets a little too hot or a little too cold in the house, it wreaks havoc with our sinuses as well as our partner says that she is the same way. Anyway, whenever our Dad comes to live with us, I don’t think what the people I was with and I are going to do. I think that she takes these blood thinning medications as well as they are entirely bad at making her suppose appreciate she’s cold all the time, even when she entirely isn’t! But she’s always walking around appreciate she’s chilly. I regularly tell her that she’s appreciate a pet because she’s regularly looking for a patch of sunlight to rest in. I’m uneasy that our Dad is going to transfer in here with us as well as then try to adjust the temperature on our control unit. It’s going to mess up our programmable control unit as well as it’s regularly going to make the rest of us suppose uncomfortable in our own home. I don’t entirely think what to do about it.

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