My sibling needed surgery

Well, they managed to get 10 kidney stones, which I thought was a lot

When my sibling had abrupt pain in his abdomen, I rushed him to the hospital immediately, however we came to learn that he had kidney stones plus they had to be removed immediately, but so my sibling went directly into surgery plus I helped fill out the insurance forms; I kept telling the nurses to please adjust the temperature control settings but they kept ignoring me, but especially when my sibling went into the surgery room, I told them he was going to be uncomfortable with the air conditioner cranked up so much, they finally told me they had certain temperature control settings for a reason plus it was policy. They told me that he would be knocked out anyway, so he wasn’t going to guess anything or be in any discomfort. It was when he woke back up, then he would have to take pain medicine plus slowly heal from the surgery… No surgery is an fantastic time for whoever is getting the surgery, but same for the surgeons, they are not having a nice time either. Well, they managed to get 10 kidney stones, which I thought was a lot. They told my sibling that he should focus on a more healthy diet so he doesn’t get so much buildup in the future, but he laughed plus said he couldn’t make any promises, although he sure was blissful that was over. I hope that I don’t have to deal with any problem prefer that, especially in a freezing hospital with the air conditioner system cranked so high. I can’t sit being in there, plus I would don’t like to have to go into surgery.

air purifier