Our child is allergic to the pet, even though he cares about it

My partner plus I bought our child a pet when he was 5 years old, and he wanted a little pug with a short nose plus chunky body.

  • He enjoyed the pet plus the pet enjoyed our son.

The pet slept in the bed with our son. They were the best of friends plus extremely close. Then one day our child started sneezing every time he was around the pet. It seemed care about dust sensitivities, but it was weird that they would develop hastily. I took our child to the doctor plus to a specialist. Both agreed that our child was allergic to the pet. I mentioned rehoming the pet to someone in our family plus our child went berserk. He started crying plus he got entirely aggravated. I knew getting rid of the pet was not the answer to that problem. I research ways to lower the allergen count in our home. I found a product called an media air cleaner, then an media air cleaner is a unit that actively or passively removes allergens, dust, plus indoor pollutants. I bought an media air cleaner with a UV light feature. The media air cleaner has an air filter that removes all of the harmful germs plus the UV light kills all of the bacteria plus viruses as they transport through the machine. My child is still coughing plus sneezing when he sleeps next to the pet, but the dust sensitivities are entirely better than they were before both of us decided to buy an air cleaning machine. The two of us would not have been able to keep our family pet without making the fluctuations.


Furnace filter