Don’t Think About Doing it, Just Get it Done Without Judgment

This is a little piece of advice for when you aren’t in the mood to do a job but have to get it done.

I find it best when I am not feeling well or motivated to get a task done by doing it in a neutral nonthinking and non judging mindset.

I’ll try to paint a better picture. Imagine you broke a glass in your kitchen. You could get angry while having to clean it up, or you could just clean it up without thinking if you like doing it or not. My heating and cooling rep told me this little trick and I must say that it helps when not feeling like doing something. You just go into this blank mindset and do the job without judging whether you like it or not, and then suddenly, it’s all done! I had to clean my ductwork the other day while hungover and it could have been a terrible experience, but I just did the HVAC cleaning job without thinking and I finished it without much ado. I really like this method and will keep doing it for the rest of my life because it just makes doing work a lot easier. My friend who works at the heating dealership is always telling me how bad this or that is and it really makes his days working for the local contractor a lot worse than they need to be. I try to tell him my method but he just doesn’t get it or doesn’t want to do it. Some people just love to complain I guess.


cooling and heating provider